KIPP Voyage Academy for Girls

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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Bell Schedule Hours

7:25am - 3:25pm

KIPP Voyage Academy for Girls opened in Fall 2009 and is located in Northeast Houston. KIPP Voyage empowers young women to be self-respecting independent thinkers with the academic character and social skills necessary to thrive in and graduate from the four-year college of their choice. Young women are encouraged to contribute meaningfully to their community and the world. Students and their families commit to upholding school values and coming ready to learn every day.

Contact Information

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Meet Your School Leader

Shireen Bell
School Leader

Ms. Bell grew up in greater Houston, where she later received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology at the University of Oklahoma. After completing her undergraduate degree, she returned to Houston to begin her teaching career.

Since returning to Houston, Ms. Bell has served the KIPP Voyage community since Fall 2017. She has been a teacher, grade-level chair, department leader, and assistant principal during her six years at Voyage. Ms. Bell also earned her Master of Science in Education from Johns Hopkins University to continue pursuing her passion for providing quality education to young people. She is deeply committed to strengthening the achievement, community connections, and traditions of Voyage. She is incredibly passionate about delivering an equitable and excellent education for girls in the Northeast and around the globe.

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