KIPP Spirit College Prep

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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KIPP Spirit opened its doors in 2006 and is committed to ensuring that every KIPPster grows, develops, and becomes college-ready to have the best life opportunities. Our teachers develop students’ knowledge and habits by focusing on a rigorous curriculum along with the core values of SPIRIT: Self-reliance, Perseverance, Integrity, Rigor, Initiative, and Teamwork, which empower children to climb the mountain to and through college and to become citizens who positively impact their community.

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Meet Your School Leader

Will Davis
School Leader

William Davis was named the principal of KIPP Spirit for the 21-22 school year. Mr. Davis has been with KIPP for 11 years, the first ten years with KIPP Polaris Academy for Boys, another year as a school leader in another school district, and the last two years with KIPP Spirit College Prep. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in educational administration.

Mr. Davis has a passion for developing positive relationships in the community, working with students as they grow, supporting teachers and staff so they can reach their most significant potential, strengthening a connection between school and home, and fostering a positive school culture. He believes the school-to-home partnership allows us to provide an extraordinary school experience for all students.

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