KIPP Sharpstown College Prep

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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Bell Schedule Hours

two young women smiling
three students hugging
student hugging other student who is graduating

KIPP Sharpstown is a college-preparatory charter school that aims to serve students in the Sharpstown and Gulfton communities. The Team & Family of KIPP Sharpstown College Prep work to ensure our students internalize the habits of self-reliance, honor, achievement, responsibility to others, and persistence. These values allow our students to become life-long learners capable of excelling in college and transforming tomorrow.

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Meet Your School Leader

Jhory Buskey
School Leader

Jhory Buskey has been with KIPP Texas Public Schools since 2016. Before coming to KIPP, Jhory taught Theatre and Dance at Westbury High School in Houston ISD for three years, from 2013-2016. Before moving to Houston, Mr. Buskey taught kindergarten, 4th, 5th, and 8th-grade History and English and Theatre Arts in the New Orleans Public Schools system from 2009-2013. Mr. Buskey is a graduate of Dillard University (BA) and Tulane University (MFA), and Walden University (MSEd), as well as a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Mr. Buskey’s leadership is deeply rooted in his belief that students should be equipped with the tools and support to understand their identities and how they influence the world around them and learn how to respect and learn from the uniqueness of others. He’s genuinely excited to continue his leadership journey as a school leader and his work with big and little KIPPsters as a Phoenix at KIPP Sharpstown College Prep, where he led the efforts of founding the High School extension this past year with the class of 2026! He is deeply invested in connecting with families, students, and staff in the upcoming school year to ignite change and investment in the Sharpstown community!

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