KIPP Polaris Academy for Boys

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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KIPP Polaris Academy for Boys opened its doors in June 2007. Its mission is to equip young men with the academic skills, social competencies, and character traits necessary to navigate life’s challenges, attend and complete the college of their choice, and return to become influential leaders of their community.

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Meet Your School Leader

Rich Atkins
School Leader

Rich Atkins has served as School Leader at KIPP Polaris Prep since November 2020. He became a Principal in Residence after three years of serving the Northeast Houston community as Assistant Principal at KIPP Polaris Academy for Boys.

Upon graduating from Clark Atlanta University, Mr. Atkins moved to Brooklyn, New York, to teach 2nd grade at Excellence Boys, an all-boys school with Uncommon Schools. He taught at Excellence for two years, teaching 2nd and 4th grade. While at Uncommon, he earned his Master’s degree from the Relay Graduate School of Education.

After two years at Uncommon, Mr. Atkins left to teach at KIPP AMP, the only KIPP school in Brooklyn. While there, he taught 8th-grade Reading and served as grade-level dean. Mr. Atkins seeks to continue deepening the values of collaboration, cultural responsiveness, and affirmation at Polaris.

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