KIPP Journey Collegiate School

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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At KIPP Journey Collegiate, we journey forward with love. We understand the key to unlocking our limitless potential is fostering an environment where each feels safe, loved, connected, heard, and empowered to lead their journey. Each day is an opportunity to learn and grow, and we work to develop our hearts and minds with the knowledge and skills we need to create our futures.

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Meet Your School Leader

KIPP Journey Collegiate school teacher smiling
Deion Owens
School Leader

Mr. Owens is entering his 4th year as a school leader. Before moving into administration, Mr. Owens served as an English and Reading teacher within various networks. Coming from the south side of Chicago, Roseland community, Mr. Owens witnessed the transformative power of education. Because of his academic performance, he was awarded the Golden Apple Scholarship and then went to Roosevelt University, where he majored in English, Sociology, and Secondary Education. Mr. Owens hopes to provide rigorous instruction and sociological awareness in education, as he knows the cost of further neglecting the students who deserve the best education. Mr. Owens received his Master’s from The University of Chicago in Social Sector Leadership and Nonprofit Management. He is completing his Educational Administration and Organizational Leadership doctorate at Loyola University.

In his spare time, he enjoys brunching, reading, traveling, playing volleyball, and being around his boisterous, large family – he’s one of 11 children. He is excited to join the KIPP Journey Collegiate community preparing scholars to go to and through college!

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