KIPP 3D Academy

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Grades Served in 2023-24

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KIPP 3D Academy’s mission is simple yet powerful — to provide students with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and character traits required to prepare them for the rigors of competitive high schools, colleges, and the world beyond. This mission and the commitment to excellence have empowered our students to reach beyond their expectations, proving that they can achieve their goals through desire, discipline, and dedication.

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Meet Your School Leader

Shelia McDaniels
School Leader

Shelia McDaniels is a New Orleans native. She has always been fascinated with numbers and science. Therefore, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science with a minor in Chemistry from the Illustrious Paine College, an HBCU in Georgia. After her undergraduate years, she enrolled at Purdue University and earned a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering.

In 2009, Shelia transitioned from industry to education. She began her career journey in education at T.W. Josey High School in Augusta, Georgia as a high school mathematics teacher. Later, Shelia relocated to Texas, where Shelia served Pasadena High School (PHS) students and families. While working at PHS, Shelia earned her Master’s in Educational Leadership from the University of Houston-Clear Lake.

Shelia believes education is about teaching, motivating, encouraging, inspiring, and, most importantly, exposing students to opportunities.

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